Just recently, I moved away from home and started living on my own. It has been an adventure but also a learning experience. Sometimes I miss the days when life was simpler and I had my mom around to do things for me. There are a lot of aspects of life that I didn’t pay much attention to when they were not my responsibility.
1. Home cooked meals that “magically appeared”
One thing that I really miss is hearing my mom’s voice calling, “Dinner’s ready!” from downstairs every day around 5:00 pm. Upon hearing this call, I would head to the kitchen smelling the delicious fragrance of whatever meal we were eating that night. All of the food would be prepared and ready to eat without any effort or input by me. Nowadays, I am stuck eating ramen and frozen pizzas because I have come to the harsh realization that meals do not “magically appear”, rather they take a lot of effort and time to prepare.
2. Laundry was free!
There was at time that I thought that water just came freely flowing into our home from the ground at no cost at all. Now that I am older and wiser I know that water actually does cost money and therefore doing my laundry costs me money. I also learned that drying your clothes in the dryer is not cheap.
3. Living in a house that actually gets warm
Since I am a poor college student, I moved in to an old house that costs a fortune to heat. As a result, we tend to keep our thermostat set very low so that one must wear bulky sweatshirts, winter jackets, wool socks, and be wrapped up in a blanket in order to stay warm. I miss living in a house where I could walk around in shorts in the middle of winter and not feel cold.
4. Grocery Shopping was someone else’s responsibility
I never realized how big of a chore going to the grocery store can be. I don’t know how my mom shopped for food for the whole family because I can barely do it for just myself. I always end up forgetting to buy something that I really needed, or I spend hours searching for something because I can’t figure out where it is located in the store.
5. Always having good company
When I lived with my family, I could always count on someone being home to keep me company. I had plenty of family members to visit with or play games with. Now, I come home to an empty house and don’t have anyone asking me how my day was or what I learned in school.
6. Bills
Bills used to be a mysterious thing that I picked up from the mailbox and gave to my parents to open. Since I am the one opening the bills now, I have learned that paying bills is a hassle and I can understand why my mom was always yelling at us to shut the door when it was opened for too long in the middle of winter.
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