Sports are a big part of my life. Probably more than I would like to admit. I am a big fan of most any sport as long as it is competitive or I can understand what is happening during the event. Sports I love to watch include football, baseball, basketball, hockey, tennis, golf, NASCAR(some debate whether this is a sport), all Olympic sports(including gymnastics and figure skating), and much more. If there is someone worth watching during the event, all the better. I love rivalries whether or not I am a part of it. For the most part, all I read on the internet is sports as the rest of the news is impossible to read for a variety of reasons. I pay attention to local news and local government happenings but stay away from the national or international things. If it is a big deal, my wife will inform me and then I go and take a look. Today I am going to go through some of my superstitions(should not be real), favorites, reasons I watch, and reasons I should curb my enthusiasm.
I do not know why this is even a thing. There is nothing that I do on any given day that will affect the outcome of any sporting event that I do not have a direct role in(participating or coaching). No it does not matter what color boxers I am wearing. Nor does it matter if I move from a certain position if we get the lead first or if we are rallying. It does not change the outcome if I try to think positively, nor if I try to plan for the worst(Minnesota fan in me). It doesn’t matter which way I brushed my teeth the last time the, insert team here, won a game. Last, only because I could write all day about these, it does not matter if I have had a great day or bad day leading up to the game, the outcome is not already decided. But dang it if it does not seem like every time I wear my light blue boxers and sit with one leg on the couch and one leg off(even if I have to pee really bad), think optimistically prior to the game but plan for the worst during the game and the like; if I don’t do all this correctly the Vikings/Twins/Twolves/Wild/Jeff Gordon/etc… lose. I don’t know why this phenomena occurs but my brain tricks me into thinking its real. Thus even though I tell myself it is not real every time, I get sucked right back in.
Tough to beat watching a Vikings game when they are good. But any playoff game, game that includes my old neighbor in the NHL(who I used to babysit), games that include teams I love to hate, teams that include a player I have really enjoyed watching, those are also my favorites. Also any game or event where there is a title on the line. I can’t watch everything though, soccer, cricket, and several others are not something I enjoy to watch no matter the circumstance. One recently I could not watch or even read about was the event between a certain fighter and a certain boxer. The whole thing was merely about making money and I could not buy into the publicity stunt. Sure the one guy had a keenum to diggs for 61 yards with no timeouts and 10 seconds left chance of winning but it went as most expected.
Reasons I watch-
I watch for a variety of reasons. Some I stated above. I watch for the thrill of the sport. I played three sports in high school and loved the challenge that they gave to me. I enjoyed the camaraderie that was a branch off of going out for a team sport. I love the ebbs and flows of sporting events, whether I am watching live or listening or watching on TV. I love the competitiveness of the athletes participating and the mutual respect they have for their opponent(doesn’t always happen unfortunately). I love seeing teams I don’t enjoy lose(Packers for one). And if you missed it, yesterdays crazy win by the Minnesota Vikings that should not have been that close but became another heart wrenching loss then suddenly became an unbelievable win. Crazy ebbs and flows.
Reasons I Should Curb My Enthusiasm-
I do not know why I care so much. I wish I could be a casual fan like my dad, bro-in-law, and several friends. Watch if it is on and I have nothing else to do, not care if I don’t and not worrying about following their season successes and failures. During a high school playoff basketball game involving my old high school I taught at, I was listening on the radio while painting and was sweating profusely and had a 128 bpm heart rate. High school basketball! I don’t even really particularly like basketball that much. During last years Superbowl, same thing, but it included a team I hate and a team I kind of sort of enjoy one player of. Not sure if that is a healthy thing long term or not. A local team that blows a big game can make my week/weekend sour. I put off certain things that I should be doing to make sure I am watching or listening to those big games. But I don’t think I can quit it. I enjoy it to much. Maybe some day I will care a little less and just not get so caught up in those moments. Just watch to enjoy and not worry about winning or losing, what color boxers I have on, what I ate that day, etc… Till then, GO VIKES!!!!
Update on whole 30- Day 10 – going well. No big improvements but not pulling out my hair either. So far so good. Lost 7 pounds even though I am eating a lot of food. 20 to go…