If you are creating a website for your business, either you are going to have to do the SEO (search engine optimization) or pay someone to do it for your website. Part of that is link building. Link building has changed a ton over the last many years. I have only really begun to learn this last year myself so it has been quite a learning curve. But as the owner of a small business, I want my website to get noticed on Google, Bing, and all the other major search engines. I want this because when someone is needing the service I provide, I would like my website to be in the top 5 pages ranking on whichever search engine people happen to use. People do not like to scroll a whole lot, so making sure you are near the top is very important. There are some great tips to link building in today’s internet search world.
Natural Links Are King
Organic or natural links are always great links to get. These would come from any legit website that would link to you, like your local chamber of commerce, local bank, and the like. Also these links would come from organizations that you work with, represent, or buy products from as well.
Local Link Building
Local link building is also important. Getting on websites like dexknows or white pages or search engine sites that take the time to verify businesses is also a huge benefit. Getting on random search websites with links might come back as fishy to say Google and they will penalize your website because of it. So take the time and use the search sites that are built for a business like yours.
Content Is Of The Highest Priority
Building rich content for your website is also a great way to rank a lot higher in search engines and also will help you get links to your website. If you have a great website with a lot of content that is unique and interesting, other sites will want to link to your site because it will also in turn help them if your website begins to generate traffic. So take the time to build content into your website as it will pay off big time.
For more insight, this is a great article to read. Long but very informational.